Sunday, January 1, 2017

Words of Gratitude : A Julie Note

I believe in words of gratitude.  My Mom calls these words “Julie Notes.”    These notes are reflective and deeply heartfelt.    I wanted to ring in the New Year by posting a “Julie Note” to the blog.

Dear Friends,

This is a year of big transition.  This is to say, that for my entire life I have always been a student.  This week I will become a student teacher! There were days that I seriously doubted that this day would ever come and now it’s here.  Honestly, navigating the world as an adult with cerebral palsy is different and challenging.  I often question if I am strong enough and educated enough to be more than a student.    Am I really ready to take on the world? If you wait until you’re ready you’ll never go!

 As this transition begins my heart overflows with gratitude and my mind is overloaded with words of wisdom from the people who have inspired me.       As I begin to find my place in the world here’s what I will always remember:

It is less about what you know and more about who you are/ want to become. You can always learn.

It is important to be engaged in your learning but being engaged also means you show people you care.  For example, be a good listener.

Your passion (to teach) beats data any day! The test will work out eventually!

Work hard, be successful, and have fun!

Sometimes your success is measured by how you cross the finish line not when you finish the race. FINISH STRONG 
I am a LERD, this means I believe in----Love, Education, Respect  & Diversity

You don’t have to leave your comfort zone, just expand it!

Impact ----  The connection between your life and the lives you can change!

You are always responsible for what comes after the phrase I am.

When making a decision there are three things to think about: Is the decision I am about to make fair to all concerned, is it common sense, and most importantly is my decision pleasing to God.

Sometimes, I wish that navigating the world were easier. …. And then I remember that if it were  I wouldn’t have met so many extraordinary people!   You’ve taught me what it means to listen carefully and love deeply.  I can only be as strong as those who inspire me!     Thank you for believing in me!  You are AMAZING and I am a STUDENT TEACHER!! :) 

 Ps. I purposely did not credit the words of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you climb over the wall and other times you kick it to the ground!
    Dr. R.
