Friday, October 11, 2019

Teachers Need Teachers!


I created this blog three years ago because those around me promised that there was great strength in understanding that I was called to teach despite the struggles of cerebral palsy.  The blog gave me space to allow being a “teacher at heart” value.    In August my dream became a reality. I am a teacher!  It’s been a while since I’ve posted to the blog.  It turns out that living my dream doesn’t give me much time to write about it.

Next week marks the end of the first quarter.  It’s a time to reflect and celebrate.  Many times on this journey I’ve expressed that as someone who copes with cerebral palsy, it’s easy to feel as if the world is just moving around me.  This is the first time in life that my position hasn’t been deemed temporary.  There’s a true sense of relief in knowing that my job won’t end next week.  I cannot explain how much I cherish the opportunity to go to work each day. 

At the same time the opportunity has me pressuring myself to be perfect.  I’ve spent years reading about the art of excellent teaching and striving to be like the mentors and friends who assured me I was worthy enough to be called a teacher.  It took me about nine weeks to understand that perfect teaching doesn’t exist.   I’ve put my identity into being an outstanding teacher.   Last week I shared this thought with a fellow teacher who reminded me that being an outstanding teacher will just happen naturally. I should not expect this just yet.   

In every book on the art of teaching there’s at least one chapter devoted to reminding teachers that every student deserves someone who believes in them.   This is absolutely true but I believe there’s more. We often fail to remember that eventually students will become adults.  I firmly believe that adults also need people in our lives who remind us that we matter. We can't lift others if we aren't being uplifted. 

This has been an exciting transition but also has been very overwhelming at times.  I am extremely thankful to the people in my life who have been a constant source of encouragement.   You keep me moving! 

As I grow into teaching I hope that teachers and students alike  know how much I care about them.  After all, caring for others is what makes life worth living. 

Stay inspired,


Image result for every student deserves a champion