Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My Two Cents : A Reflection on Giving

Today charitable organizations across the United States and globally celebrate Giving Tuesday.    The day is dedicated to contributing resources and funds to support good works.    This day also means that my Facebook feed is flooded with kindhearted pleas from the community to make financial gifts.    At this point in my life there’s not too much extra income to give.   Nonetheless, each of us can always give for good!

Words of Care
I’ve made a general rule:  try to write a “Julie note” a day. These notes are intentional messages of care that let others know they matter.   This practice keeps me grounded in hope --- understanding that others might need encouragement and care as much as I do.  I’ve believed for a long time that the way we use our words might be among our greatest gifts.  As a writer, I want my words to be perfect--- to reach someone’s heart in just the right way.  Often before I write Julie notes the outline sketched in my head is flawless. Then, I sit down to write ---- the flawless words become imperfect and my eyes fill with tears as I recognize why this person matters to me in that moment.  Truthfully, writing has taught me that perfect   words might not exist.  Yet, I write anyway because in each written word  (and spoken word) I strive to give away a little of my strength, love and encouragement.   Writing gives me a chance to say, Thanks for being you and hopefully it allows the recipient of the note to understand that they are part of the reason for my hope.  So if you want to give today perhaps, writing a note of care to the staff of your favorite charity is a start.  Words of encouragement written from the heart are a meaningful way to give for good!

Intentional Time  & Connection
As a   perspective teacher, I LOVE to give to organizations that support education. Still, most of what I give is time.  As charities mention that generous donors will match donations given to a certain dollar amount I am puzzled.  The time I spend giving won’t ever be matched because the way I give (or you) give is different from the way anyone else will ever be able to give because each of us has a special gift.   So, instead I must make my time count!    Often this means reading or simply talking with children.  Recently, I was talking with a student when she said, Hey Miss Julie, Where is your watch that counts how many steps you walk each day?”   It’s in a drawer at home. I lost the charger.”   Well she said, “I remember from a long time ago.”  As a volunteer, I was shocked. This youngster had remembered my watch could count my steps and created a memory around the idea that we both like to play or exercise whichever you prefer!  It was such a special moment for me as I remembered that students (and older folks) generally, appreciate the ways that you show up to love, listen, and share with them!  So, if you want to give today perhaps, time well spent to listen to a child, family member, or a friend is a start.  Listening to others is an opportunity to create connection.  If you want to connect to a common cause you could also consider committing time to your favorite charity.    The first non- profit internship I ever took the executive director shared these unforgettable words of wisdom:  “Most people forget that in the non profit world, volunteers are the hands, heart, and feet behind the operation.”    Connecting with others   through service is a meaningful way to give for good!

A Final Word on Giving
I find that serving students is a fulfilling way to accomplish my dream of becoming a teacher. It’s a unique way for me to TELL (Teach, Encourage, Listen & Love) students that they matter! Furthermore; it allows me to develop my identity as a teacher, leader, and a thinker.  Service gives my life purpose.   This means that all of the ways I give come from my heart.  Heartfelt giving is the greatest way to give. 
 In the end, the best way for me to explain giving is this.  Giving to others is simply a chance to remember the BEST and MOST PERFECT   experiences of my life and then to do everything with my words  and resources to recreate that same sense of JOY for the community where I serve.

Together with hearts of intentional joy & gratitude we can all give for good!

With a joyful heart,
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Ps .  Give for good is the official hashtag of Giving Tuesday. It's not my original phrase  & you can learn more about the TELL organization from other blog posts.  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Making Ourselves Irreplaceable: The Family Photo

These days schools have more students than classrooms.  This means it’s not uncommon for teachers to share their classrooms. Last week while I was substitute teaching, a student that had come to class early to take a test innocently asked, “Are you replacing Mr. Simpson or Ms. Woods today?”    I replied with a smile.  Still, the way he had asked for his test and his teacher struck me.    Sometimes, as someone who copes with cerebral palsy it can feel as though the world is moving around me but there’s not actually a definitive place for me to use my abilities in an impactful way.       This student’s question gave  me something to consider:  Life shouldn’t be about replacing others rather; it should be about making our abilities and ourselves irreplaceable!

A few weeks ago I arrived in what I consider my favorite volunteer spot.   This particular group has become a second family.   It’s the goal of the organization to make everyone who comes feel welcome to the space--- Staff, students, and volunteers.   We often refer to ourselves as family.  A sense of belonging is contagious here.  One staff member was so inspired by the family culture that she created a collage of photos from our programming that spells out the word FAMILY.  It’s a creative reminder of the commitment and care that comes with carrying out our mission.  As I walked into the office and sat waiting for students; a staff member greeted me. “Hey Julie!  I was looking at the collage closely today and recognized the back of your head. Yup, that ‘s it right there!” Wow, I replied, that’s been there for a long time and I never noticed. “ 
It’s a funny thing because as a teacher if you spend a considerable amount of time with the same group of students  you begin to recognize the qualities and   quirks that make them unique individuals. It could be their handwriting, their tone of voice, or even the back of their heads as they move swiftly through the hallways.  This time though, someone had recognized me.  Most of my time in this space is spent peeling oranges during snack, reading, mastering multiplication tables, or just talking with students.  These seemingly ordinary tasks are truly a collection of cherished memories! The experience of being spotted in the FAMILY photo helped me realize that even when I feel like my abilities aren’t impactful others  might notice my unique qualities and quirks.     Further still, the FAMILY   photo helps me remember that my Joy, hope, sorrow, and even a little fear that I don’t fit in is exactly what makes me irreplaceable!

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 Photo  Challenge : As we head into the holiday season try to capture a candid photo of those who  you  consider  family in action. Then pass on a the photo with words of gratitude  about the traits that make that particular loved one or friend irreplaceable   to you!  Recognizing  the uniqueness of others is an amazing gift!  Seasons greetings!

Friday, November 10, 2017

The World's A Wreck


Last night as I drifted off to sleep salty and silent tears streamed down my face.  You see, the world’s a wreck and I can’t fix it.

Last week 26 people died going to church.  As Breaking News crossed the television screen and flooded my Facebook feed I immediately thought of my family of faith.  I considered that when my heart feels like it’s breaking I find refuge and unwavering hope in a community that believes in promises greater than I could ever imagine.     You see, the world’s a wreck and I can’t fix it.

Only weeks ago there was more Breaking News: 50 people died enjoying a concert in Las Vegas. I’m not one for large crowds and I’ve only been to one concert in my life.  Still, I can’t help but think that maybe it’s a good thing I just prefer to listen to music in the comfort of my home.   You see, the world’s a wreck and I can’t fix it.

 And still only a few weeks before watching Sunday afternoon Football with our closest family and friends becomes Breaking News: As this happened I consider a conversation I had with a middle school student.  I often explain having cerebral palsy   to youngsters using football. It’s kind of like if the quarter back pulls his hamstring and has to be benched for a while. The biggest difference is that if we want to impact our community even as people who learn differently sitting on the sidelines won’t work.  The idea that life carries a unique set of obstacles for me as young woman with a disability always sits in the back of my mind. Yet, even on days when my heart is breaking as much as news; I try to lead with a heart of gratitude. You see, the world’s a wreck and I can’t fix it.

Rewind a few more weeks more Breaking News:  This time hurricanes are destroying the tropics and the coastlines of Florida.   As this happened I consider that while I’m not thrilled about the beach we’ve taken family vacations to the tropics and know people who call Florida home.  And I consider that maybe, I don’t want to take anymore family vacations here----  Really, who am I kidding, vacations don’t really matter because if you live in devastated areas and depend on tourists to make a living then your solidly out of work.  Not to mention, if you happen to be in place where the hurricane made landfall--- then the schools I love so much as teacher, they are closed and relying on donations to get learning again! You see, the world’s a wreck and I can’t fix it.

I could keep recounting more Breaking News because sadly that’s just a snapshot of the national news. I left out what’s going on in my city and in yours. You can fill that empty space ---- or maybe you don’t want to because it’s too heartbreaking.

You see, the world’s a wreck and we can’t fix it. Yet, all this Breaking News   might be a reason to listen and love others more carefully. So what do we do with this? Stop just thinking about the people who mean the most to you. Find a way to tell them.    Then, find a way to agreeably disagree with others because odds are even when we disagree both thoughts have merit.  Our life stories are just different--- and that alone drastically impacts what we see.   After that read a book, drink a cup of coffee, go on walk---- do something you enjoy.   Once you’ve done these things and maybe cried a few silent and salty tears of your own… You’ll begin to understand that even when you hurt the hope that you try to give away will always count for something.  Healing brokenness begins with a heart of hope!

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